Lucid Lenses
Lucid Lenses is available for Android and iPhone. I really love how this game looks. It is fantastic. Lucid Lenses is a story-driven romance adventure game. That doesn’t sound like your traditional game, right? This is a thrilling journey filled with love, ambition, and difficult decisions.
The plot in Lucid Lenses is quite simple and resembles any romantic melodrama, sharpened into a game and diluted with mini-games. The chapters are straightforward and only at the end you will be given the opportunity to make a choice. But the story is a high point, is not a classic chiclé with a good ending, it may have a bitter aftertaste.
The basis of the gameplay is a visual novel. Scroll through the dialogues and sometimes you will be given small puzzles, mostly related to the stars: connect two planets and draw a pattern, connect stars for constellations, there is even a rhythm game. Well and so, on a trifle too there will be occupations.
Lucid Lenses has nice graphics. The animations, unfortunately, are antediluvian, which spoils the impression a little, but, in general, everything is done well. Well, maybe there are not enough locations. If you want to try something new, it is a really good choice. The game is from FredBear Games and PlayForFun.
Lucid Lenses’ first chapter is available as a free download. Upgrading from the free chapter is the same price (around 3$), so if you’re unsure about diving in, give the free chapter a try first.
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