Gakuen Idolmaster (JP)
Gakuen Idolmaster is the latest installment in the renowned Idolmaster series. Take on the role of a budding producer and embark on a journey to nurture aspiring idols, each with their own unique charms and aspirations.
Step into the prestigious halls of Hatsei Academy, a renowned institution dedicated to the art of idol training. As a new student in the producer department, your mission is to scout and develop talented idol candidates, guiding them on their path to stardom.
In Gakuen Idolmaster, your role as a producer goes beyond mere mentorship. Train your idols in the arts of singing and dancing, helping them hone their skills and overcome obstacles on their journey to success. Watch as their performances evolve and grow with each step closer to achieving their dreams.
Since its inception in 2005, the Idolmaster series has captivated audiences with its innovative gameplay and unforgettable characters. Gakumasu or Gakuen Idolmaster is available on Android and iOS.
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